Monday, March 25, 2013

Imperialism and World Wars Test

We will be having an Imperialism and World Wars test on Monday and Tuesday 4/1-2.

Look over the Imperialism and World Wars Review to prepare for the test.

Ch. 36 Graded Discussion

Read Chapter 36 for a graded discussion on Wednesday and Thursday 3/27-28

Thursday, March 21, 2013

20th Century Totalitarian Questions

Finish reading through the 20th Century Totalitarian packet and answer the questions.  Due for a STAMP on Wednesday and Thursday 3/27-28.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

French and Russian Revolutions Compared

Read through French vs. Russian Revolutions and fill out the compare and contrast chart at the bottom.  This will be taken up for a STAMP on Monday and Tuesday 3/25 - 26.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Russian Revolution: Conditions and Results

If you didn't finish the assignment in class, complete the rest of the Conditions and Results worksheet using the Russian Revolution Reading.  Due for a STAMP - 3/21-22.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Photo Story: The Interwar Years 1919-1939

Click here to download Photo Story 3 from

Click here to view a YouTube tutorial on how to create a Photo Story 3

Click here to view a YouTube tutorial on how to create an iMovie

Students will complete a Photo Story project using pictures, music, and captions answering the following:

What was life like (SPEC) in these countries at the end of World War I which eventually led to World War II?
Germany, England, France, Italy, Russia, United States, Japan, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

Required Elements
- title slide with country covered, name and period
- 4-5 minutes long (24+ pictures/slides)
- pictures, maps or graphics and captions that relate to the SPEC of the country during the interwar years
- music appropriate to the topic
- credits/works cited

Groups of 3 or 4
PowerPoint Rough Draft due 3/6-7 (1 rough draft per group with all group members names on it)
- 30 point deduction for PowerPoints or Prezis
- Photo Story must be turned in using a flash drive
- Last names and class period as the file name (Jones_Green_Smith_2)
- Due 3/21-22

Photo Story Rubric

Ch. 35 Quiz

Read Ch. 35 for a quiz the Thursday and Friday after Spring Break - 3/21-22.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Global Implications For WWI

Finish answering the questions that we worked on in class from the Global Implications for WWI and bring it back to class for a STAMP on 3/8 and 3/18.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Technology of WWI

Finish the Technology of WWI worksheet by reading through any items that you had missed.  Taken up for a STAMP 3/6-7. 

Monday, March 4, 2013