Friday, March 8, 2013

Photo Story: The Interwar Years 1919-1939

Click here to download Photo Story 3 from

Click here to view a YouTube tutorial on how to create a Photo Story 3

Click here to view a YouTube tutorial on how to create an iMovie

Students will complete a Photo Story project using pictures, music, and captions answering the following:

What was life like (SPEC) in these countries at the end of World War I which eventually led to World War II?
Germany, England, France, Italy, Russia, United States, Japan, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

Required Elements
- title slide with country covered, name and period
- 4-5 minutes long (24+ pictures/slides)
- pictures, maps or graphics and captions that relate to the SPEC of the country during the interwar years
- music appropriate to the topic
- credits/works cited

Groups of 3 or 4
PowerPoint Rough Draft due 3/6-7 (1 rough draft per group with all group members names on it)
- 30 point deduction for PowerPoints or Prezis
- Photo Story must be turned in using a flash drive
- Last names and class period as the file name (Jones_Green_Smith_2)
- Due 3/21-22

Photo Story Rubric

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Fields i have been experiencing issues with downloading my photo story. I have been trying to download it using the link you gave me and other sites so far i haven't been able to get a working version it always needs to be repaired and when i try to repair it does not work what should i do
