Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SNAPSHOT IV: Gunpowder Empires

This snapshot will explore the following empires: Tokugawa Japan, Qing Dynasty China, the Ottoman Empire and Mughal Empire India.  
 - Read Ch. 26 and Ch. 27 from the Bentley textbook.  ALSO, use the material from the prezis and the packet provided.  Create a SPEC chart for each empire.   
 - On your map/chart, color in each of the empires.   
 - For each region, include the following: 
        - Date of the empire   
        - Greatest or most exemplary ruler   
        - SPEC for each area     
 - Write 2 specific sentences comparing similarities in 2 or more of the societies.  Write another sentence for each comparison that explains why that similarity exists.
 - Write 2 sentences contrasting an aspect of 2 or more of the societies.  Write another sentence for each contrast that explains why that contrast exists.
 - Write 2 sentences about a continuity that existed during the ENTIRE PERIOD of 1 of these societies.  Write another sentence for each continuity that explains why that continuity exists.

2 SPEC Charts will be STAMPED on 1/14-15 & 1/23-24

Entire SNAPSHOT will be turned in on 1/29-30

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