Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ideas Shape the World Video Questions

Watch Unit 17 from the website.
Click on the following link to answer the questions for
UNIT 17: Ideas Shape the World Video Questions

Answers must be typed, in complete sentences and submitted to

Do not retype the questions.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Russian Empire

If you weren't in class when we discussed the Russian Empire, look through the Russian Empire Prezi and answer these questions for a STAMP.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Personal/Historical Figure CCOT

Create a Prezi that includes 9 appropriate entries:
 - 3 beginnings, 3 changes, and 3 continuities for each subject.
 - Provide 3 graphics or pictures, 1 representing each category.

Personal CCOT Pre-write Activity
(STAMPED on 1/29-30)

Personal/Historical Figure CCOT Prezi

Personal/Historical Figure CCOT Rubric

Personal Portion (pg 16) of your Prezi printed out and STAMPED on 1/29-30.

Click on print button on top right…
the pages will load…
Click "Save PDF"…
Save the file…
Open up pdf and print page 16…
Turn in page 16...


emailed to by 2/12-13.
Use the SHARE LINK to send it to me.

Choices for the Historical Figure CCOT are:

Glorious Revolution  - King James II - or - William III

American Revolution - King George III - or  - George Washington

French Revolution - King Louis XVI - Maximilien Robespierre - or - Napoléon Bonaparte

Haitian Revolution - Toussaint L'Ouverture - or - Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Latin American Revolutions - Simon Bolivar

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Warrior Empire: The Mughals

If you were absent from class, finish watching Warrior Empire: The Mughals and answer these questions.   These will be turned in for a grade.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

PBS, ISLAM Part III: The Ottoman Empire

Finish watching the video that we started in class (PBS, Islam Part III: The Ottoman Empire) and complete these questions that go along with it.

Due for a grade - 1/18 - 22.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SNAPSHOT IV: Gunpowder Empires

This snapshot will explore the following empires: Tokugawa Japan, Qing Dynasty China, the Ottoman Empire and Mughal Empire India.  
 - Read Ch. 26 and Ch. 27 from the Bentley textbook.  ALSO, use the material from the prezis and the packet provided.  Create a SPEC chart for each empire.   
 - On your map/chart, color in each of the empires.   
 - For each region, include the following: 
        - Date of the empire   
        - Greatest or most exemplary ruler   
        - SPEC for each area     
 - Write 2 specific sentences comparing similarities in 2 or more of the societies.  Write another sentence for each comparison that explains why that similarity exists.
 - Write 2 sentences contrasting an aspect of 2 or more of the societies.  Write another sentence for each contrast that explains why that contrast exists.
 - Write 2 sentences about a continuity that existed during the ENTIRE PERIOD of 1 of these societies.  Write another sentence for each continuity that explains why that continuity exists.

2 SPEC Charts will be STAMPED on 1/14-15 & 1/23-24

Entire SNAPSHOT will be turned in on 1/29-30