Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Personal/Historical Figure CCOT

Create a Prezi that includes 9 appropriate entries:
 - 3 beginnings, 3 changes, and 3 continuities for each subject.
 - Provide 3 graphics or pictures, 1 representing each category.

Personal CCOT Pre-write Activity
(STAMPED on 1/29-30)

Personal/Historical Figure CCOT Prezi

Personal/Historical Figure CCOT Rubric

Personal Portion (pg 16) of your Prezi printed out and STAMPED on 1/29-30.

Click on print button on top right…
the pages will load…
Click "Save PDF"…
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Open up pdf and print page 16…
Turn in page 16...


emailed to by 2/12-13.
Use the SHARE LINK to send it to me.

Choices for the Historical Figure CCOT are:

Glorious Revolution  - King James II - or - William III

American Revolution - King George III - or  - George Washington

French Revolution - King Louis XVI - Maximilien Robespierre - or - Napoléon Bonaparte

Haitian Revolution - Toussaint L'Ouverture - or - Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Latin American Revolutions - Simon Bolivar

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