Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tang and Song Dynasty Reading

We will finish the Tang and Song Dynasty Readings in class.  We will finish this IN CLASS, but it will still be taken up for a STAMP - Thursday and Friday 11/1 - 11/2.

Unit 2 Key Terms

Finish the Unit 2 Key Terms up until Marco Polo - Due for a grade - 11/8 and 11/9.

Spread of Islam Video

Watch the Spread of Islam Video and answer the questions that go along with it.  Turn it in as soon as possible for a grade. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Read Ch. 14

Read Ch. 14 for a reading quiz or graded discussion on Thursday and Friday 11/1-2.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2nd Cycle Reading Schedule

Here is the reading schedule for the 2nd 6 weeks and when the quizzes will be!

Week 7 (10/11-12) Chapter 11
Week 8 (10/18-19) Chapter 12
Week 9 (10/25-26) Chapter 13
Week 10 (11/1-2)   Chapter 14
Week 11 (11/8-9)   Chapter 16 & Chapter 19

Video Assignment - Engineering and Empire: The Byzantines

If you missed the video in class last week, then watch Engineering an Empire: The Byzantines and complete the GRAPHIC ORGANIZER by listing the technology and accomplishments of the Byzantine Empire and citing/referencing the content of the video in your explanations.

Turn this in for a stamp as soon as you can.

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 C.E.

Read the directions carefully to complete this assignment.

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 Directions 

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 Map 

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 (backside of map)

Use a separate SPEC Sheet for each of the empires.

Stamped 10/26-29 - Abbasid Empire (Traditions & Encounters 312-325, Bulliet 234-238)
Stamped 11/1-2 - Tang Dynasty (Traditions & Encounters 330-345 Tang Only)
Stamped 11/1-2 - Heinan (Feudal Japan) - (Traditions & Encounters 348-350, Stearns Reprint)
Stamped 11/8-9 - Feudal Europe (Traditions & Encounters Ch. 16)
Stamped 11/15-16 - Ghana (Traditions & Encounters 434-436, Shillington Reprint)
Stamped 11/15-16 - Yuan Dynasty (Traditions & Encounters 417-422, Bulliet 351-355)

SNAPSHOT DUE: 11/28-29

Monday, October 22, 2012

Islamic Civilization Reading

Finish reading and answering the questions to the Islamic Civilization reading.  This will be turned in for a stamp on 10/24-10/25.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

(PMT) Foundations: Mind Map

Finish gathering all the information you and your group needs to complete your mind map in class on Monday 10/22 and Tuesday 10/23.
 - Here is the packet that we were using in class, which you can use as an additional resource.

Ch. 13 Graded Discussion 10/25 - 10/26

Read Ch. 13 for a graded discussion on Thur 10/25 and Fri 10/26.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

PMT: Foundations Mind Map

Read this article to gain a better understanding of the process of Mind Mapping.

Mind-mapping gets the ideas flowing


Find an example of an interesting mind map that relates to World History.
Save the picture and email it to me at tfields1@houstonisd.org for a stamp by 10/17.

Using the Template provided, create a Mind Map Reviewing Unit 1: Foundations.  Come prepared to class on Thursday and Friday (10/18-10/19) with the information that you need to create your Mind Map for Unit 1: Foundations in class.
                                 Mind Map Template                                Mind Map Rubric

        Foundations Mind Map 1               Foundations Mind Map 2


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mental Map: Classical Age

Finish your mental maps that we were working on in class.  Use Chapter 11 from the textbook and this prezi to help you find the information.

These will be picked up for a grade on 10/15-10/16

Here are some additional resources:
 - Prezi in pdf format
 - Silk Road and Indian Ocean Trade PPT.

Connections Across Land Video Questions

Watch Unit 9 from the Learner.org website.
Click on the following link to answer the questions for
UNIT 9: Connections Across Land

Answers must be typed, in complete sentences and submitted to turnitin.com.

Do not retype or include the questions.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Finish the Decline and Fall of Empires

Finish reading through the Decline and Fall of Empires packet and then write three comparative analytical paragraphs about the decline and fall of empires.
 - Use the Decline of Classical Empires Worksheet and your notes from class as a reference.
 - Will be taken up 10/10-10/11

Gender Roles: Foundations Reading DUE 10/16-10/17

Read through the entire Gender Foundations packet.  Answer questions at the beginning and submit them to turnitin.com.
 - Your answers MUST contain contain information from EVERY SECTION.
 - Submit your answers to turnitin.com only.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

2nd 6 Weeks Reading Schedule

Here is the reading schedule for the 2nd 6 weeks and when the quizzes will be!

Week 7 (10/11-12) Chapter 11
Week 8 (10/18-19) Chapter 12
Week 9 (10/25-26) Chapter 13
Week 10 (11/1-2)   Chapter 14
Week 11 (11/8-9)   Chapter 16 & Chapter 19

Chapter 11 Reading Quiz

Read Chapter 11 for the quiz on Thursday (10/11) and Friday (10/12).