Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Break Assignment

Review these prezis and answer the questions at the end of each of them to prepare for the Absolutism and Enlightenment Test upon your return from Winter Break.

Revolution and Enlightenment Prezi
Revolution and Enlightenment Questions

Age of Absolutism Prezi
Age of Absolutism Questions

4th 6-Weeks Reading Calendar

4th 6-Weeks Reading Calendar from

1/10-11 - Chapter 26
1/17-18 - Chapter 27
1/24-25 - Chapter 28
2/8-9     - Chapter 29 
2/14-15 - Chapter 30
2/21-22 - Chapter 32

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fall Semester Exam Review and Schedule

Here is the Fall Semester Exam Review. 


PERIOD 2                                8:30 -10:30

PERIOD 1                              10:40 -12:45

LUNCH                                  12:45 - 1:00


PERIOD 6                                8:30 – 10:30

PERIOD 5                              10:40 – 12:45

LUNCH                                  12:45 -   1:00


PERIOD 3                                8:30 – 10:30

PERIOD 4                              10:40 – 12:45

LUNCH                                  12:45 –  1:00


PERIOD 7                                8:30 – 10:30

PERIOD 8                              10:40 – 12:45

LUNCH                                  12:45 -   1:00

Unit 3 Key Terms

Complete all of the Unit 3 Key Terms and turn them in on Thursday/Friday 12/13-14.

Monday, December 3, 2012

DBQ: Women in the Middle Ages

Complete the Prewrite activity.

-Create 3 categories
-Provide the document numbers
-Explain 1 POV for each category.



This will be STAMPED on 12/5-6

DBQ: Women in the Middle Ages

DBQ Prezi

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Connections Across Water Video Questions

Watch Unit 10 from the Learner.org website.
Click on the following link to answer the questions for
UNIT 10: Connections Across Water Video Questions

Answers must be typed, in complete sentences and submitted to turnitin.com.

Do not retype the questions.


Renaissance and Reformation Venn Diagram

Click on the Prezi link below
Renaissance and Reformation Venn Diagram
Click on "Make a copy"
Once you are on "Your Prezis" open up the Venn Diagram Prezi
Click on Edit Prezi
Place each of the terms or statements in the proper category
Include 2 generalities that the Renaissance and Reformation shared
Input your name on the Prezi
Click on "Print" (at the top of the page)
Click on "Click to save as PDF"
Print out PDF to be stamped on 12/4-5


You can use this prezi to help you with the Venn Diagram.
Renaissance and Reformation Prezi

Monday, November 26, 2012

What did the Mongols actually do?

Read "And for the Tea" and then answer the four numbered questions.

A-Day - complete this assignment for a STAMP on 11/28

B-Day - wait until after class tomorrow to complete this assignment for a STAMP 11/29.

Unit 2 Key Terms

Finish the rest of Unit 2 Key terms for a grade on 12/3-4.

Aztec vs. Inca: A Comparison

Create a SPRITES Chart and answer questions on the Independent Study to help you compare each civilization.

SPRITES - S - Social - P - Political - R - Religion - I/T - Innovation/Technology - E - Economy - S - Society (culture)

Chart and questions will be stamped on 11/30-12/3.

Use the Prezi and the Traditions and Encounters book to answer the questions and fill in the chart.

Independent Study of the Aztec and Inca and SPRITES Chart

Aztecs vs. Incas Prezi:
Aztecs vs. Incas: A Comparison

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Read for Ch. 17 Quiz

Read Ch. 17 for a quiz on Thursday and Friday (11/15-16)

End of Feudalism Concept Web Activity

For Thursday/Friday (11/15-16), be prepared to complete a concept web about your topic in class.

You may bring a single sheet of HANDWRITTEN notes to use on the concept web.

Use these prezis to gather data about your group's topic that helped lead to the End of Feudalism.
End of Feudalism Questions
Turned in for a grade 11/15-16

Prezis for Research

Little Ice Age

The Black Death Part I
Background, Church and Economic Effects

The Black Death Part II
Political and Social Effects

100 Years War

The Great Schism Part II

Monday, November 12, 2012

In Class DBQ on the Crusades

Finish your pre-write packet and bring it to class on 11/13-14 to write the DBQ.  COME PREPARED, the essay will be graded.

Use information from the textbook as well as An Age of Faith Outline and Paragraph.

Here is a video that will help with some information.

Early Empires Video Questions

Watch Unit 11 from the Learner.org website.
Click on the following link to answer the questions for
UNIT 11: Early Empires Video Questions

Answers must be typed, in complete sentences and submitted to turnitin.com.

Do not retype the questions.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reading Schedule for the 3rd Cycle

Here is the reading schedule for the 3rd cycle.

Traditions and Encounters
11/15-16 - Chapter 17
11/19-20 - Chapter 18
11/29-30 - Chapter 20
12/6-7     - Chapter 21

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Age of Faith Outline and Paragraph

Complete the outline on the first page by reading the rest of the document.

Once you have completed the outline, write a well developed paragraph answering the following:
Support the statement that the Middle Ages in Europe was “an age of faith.”

 - Be sure to follow all directions for good paragraph construction.

 - Submit through turnitin.com before Tuesday November 13.
Age of Faith Outline and Paragraph Prompt


Feudalism Venn Diagram: Japan vs. Europe

Complete this assignment by using the reading which will help you with the Venn Diagram:

Feudalism in Europe and Japan Assignment - STAMPED 11/9-12
Feudalism Compared Reading

You need to sign up for a free version of the software by signing up for a public account at: http://prezi.com/profile/signup/

Click on the Prezi link below
Feudalism - Japan vs. Europe
     -Click on "Make a copy"
     -Once you are on "Your Prezis" open up the Venn Diagram Prezi
     -Click on Edit Prezi
     -Place each of the terms or statements in the proper category
     -Input your name on the Prezi
     -Click on the printer icon at the top of the page
     -Click on "SAVE PDF"
     -Print out PDF, STAMPED on 11/13-14

Friday, November 2, 2012

Decline of Imperial Japan

Read the Decline of Imperial Japan packet and respond to these questions.  This will be taken up for a STAMP on Monday and Tuesday (11/5-11/6)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tang and Song Dynasty Reading

We will finish the Tang and Song Dynasty Readings in class.  We will finish this IN CLASS, but it will still be taken up for a STAMP - Thursday and Friday 11/1 - 11/2.

Unit 2 Key Terms

Finish the Unit 2 Key Terms up until Marco Polo - Due for a grade - 11/8 and 11/9.

Spread of Islam Video

Watch the Spread of Islam Video and answer the questions that go along with it.  Turn it in as soon as possible for a grade. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Read Ch. 14

Read Ch. 14 for a reading quiz or graded discussion on Thursday and Friday 11/1-2.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2nd Cycle Reading Schedule

Here is the reading schedule for the 2nd 6 weeks and when the quizzes will be!

Week 7 (10/11-12) Chapter 11
Week 8 (10/18-19) Chapter 12
Week 9 (10/25-26) Chapter 13
Week 10 (11/1-2)   Chapter 14
Week 11 (11/8-9)   Chapter 16 & Chapter 19

Video Assignment - Engineering and Empire: The Byzantines

If you missed the video in class last week, then watch Engineering an Empire: The Byzantines and complete the GRAPHIC ORGANIZER by listing the technology and accomplishments of the Byzantine Empire and citing/referencing the content of the video in your explanations.

Turn this in for a stamp as soon as you can.

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 C.E.

Read the directions carefully to complete this assignment.

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 Directions 

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 Map 

SNAPSHOT III: The World c. 1000 (backside of map)

Use a separate SPEC Sheet for each of the empires.

Stamped 10/26-29 - Abbasid Empire (Traditions & Encounters 312-325, Bulliet 234-238)
Stamped 11/1-2 - Tang Dynasty (Traditions & Encounters 330-345 Tang Only)
Stamped 11/1-2 - Heinan (Feudal Japan) - (Traditions & Encounters 348-350, Stearns Reprint)
Stamped 11/8-9 - Feudal Europe (Traditions & Encounters Ch. 16)
Stamped 11/15-16 - Ghana (Traditions & Encounters 434-436, Shillington Reprint)
Stamped 11/15-16 - Yuan Dynasty (Traditions & Encounters 417-422, Bulliet 351-355)

SNAPSHOT DUE: 11/28-29

Monday, October 22, 2012

Islamic Civilization Reading

Finish reading and answering the questions to the Islamic Civilization reading.  This will be turned in for a stamp on 10/24-10/25.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

(PMT) Foundations: Mind Map

Finish gathering all the information you and your group needs to complete your mind map in class on Monday 10/22 and Tuesday 10/23.
 - Here is the packet that we were using in class, which you can use as an additional resource.

Ch. 13 Graded Discussion 10/25 - 10/26

Read Ch. 13 for a graded discussion on Thur 10/25 and Fri 10/26.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

PMT: Foundations Mind Map

Read this article to gain a better understanding of the process of Mind Mapping.

Mind-mapping gets the ideas flowing


Find an example of an interesting mind map that relates to World History.
Save the picture and email it to me at tfields1@houstonisd.org for a stamp by 10/17.

Using the Template provided, create a Mind Map Reviewing Unit 1: Foundations.  Come prepared to class on Thursday and Friday (10/18-10/19) with the information that you need to create your Mind Map for Unit 1: Foundations in class.
                                 Mind Map Template                                Mind Map Rubric

        Foundations Mind Map 1               Foundations Mind Map 2


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mental Map: Classical Age

Finish your mental maps that we were working on in class.  Use Chapter 11 from the textbook and this prezi to help you find the information.

These will be picked up for a grade on 10/15-10/16

Here are some additional resources:
 - Prezi in pdf format
 - Silk Road and Indian Ocean Trade PPT.

Connections Across Land Video Questions

Watch Unit 9 from the Learner.org website.
Click on the following link to answer the questions for
UNIT 9: Connections Across Land

Answers must be typed, in complete sentences and submitted to turnitin.com.

Do not retype or include the questions.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Finish the Decline and Fall of Empires

Finish reading through the Decline and Fall of Empires packet and then write three comparative analytical paragraphs about the decline and fall of empires.
 - Use the Decline of Classical Empires Worksheet and your notes from class as a reference.
 - Will be taken up 10/10-10/11

Gender Roles: Foundations Reading DUE 10/16-10/17

Read through the entire Gender Foundations packet.  Answer questions at the beginning and submit them to turnitin.com.
 - Your answers MUST contain contain information from EVERY SECTION.
 - Submit your answers to turnitin.com only.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

2nd 6 Weeks Reading Schedule

Here is the reading schedule for the 2nd 6 weeks and when the quizzes will be!

Week 7 (10/11-12) Chapter 11
Week 8 (10/18-19) Chapter 12
Week 9 (10/25-26) Chapter 13
Week 10 (11/1-2)   Chapter 14
Week 11 (11/8-9)   Chapter 16 & Chapter 19

Chapter 11 Reading Quiz

Read Chapter 11 for the quiz on Thursday (10/11) and Friday (10/12).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

SPEC Chart: The Persian Empire and Han China

Read the directions carefully to complete this assignment.

Use the Foundations of World Civilizations Part 2 Prezi as well as Ch. 6, 7, 8 & 10 to help you.

SNAPSHOT II: Classical Civilizations Directions

SNAPSHOT II: Classical Civilizations Map 

SNAPSHOT II: Classical Civilizations (backside of map)

Use a separate SPEC Sheet for each of the 4 Classical Civilizations.

The Persian Empire and Han China SPEC Sheets will be STAMPED on 10/4-5
Roman Empire and Gupta Empire SPEC Sheets will be STAMPED on 10/10-11
Completed SNAPSHOT will be turned in on 10/18-19

Friday, September 14, 2012

SPEC Charts: China and the Americas due 9/20-9/21

Read the directions carefully to complete this assignment.

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations Directions

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations Map

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations (backside of map)

Use a separate SPEC Sheet for each of the 5 civilizations. Here's what to look for on the SPEC Sheet.

Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India SPEC Sheets will be STAMPED Thursday/Friday 9/13-9/14

China and Americas SPEC Sheets will be STAMPED Thursday/Friday 9/20-9/21

SNAPSHOT will be turned in on Tues/Wed 9/25-26

Bridging World History: Units 5 & 7 Video Questions

Watch Unit 5 and Unit 7 from the learner.org website.
Click on the following link to answer questions for Unit 5: Early Belief Systems and Unit 7: The Spread of Religions.

Answers must be typed, in complete sentences and submitted to turnitin.com.

Do not retype or include the questions.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Summer Assignment: World Map Activity

World Map Activity will be taken up on Thursday (9/13) and Friday (9/14).

Here are the directions and a map to use.

1st 6 Weeks Reading Schedule

From Traditions and Encounters
Week 2 - Ch. 2 & Ch. 3
Week 3 - Ch. 4 & Ch. 5
Week 4 - Ch. 6
Week 5 - Ch. 7 & Ch. 8
Week 6 - Ch. 9 & Ch. 10

Ch. 4 & 5 Reading Quiz

Read Ch. 4 & Ch. 5 for the reading quiz on Thursday (9/13) and Friday (9/14)/

Religions Mobile

Create a Religions Mobile consisting of free swinging cards for the 7 different major world religions.  Gather materials (large picture, research, hangar, etc.) for class on Wednesday/Thursday.  Mobile will be completed in class and turned in on Thurs/Fri 9/13-14.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hindu Caste System Reading

Continue to read through the selection on the Hindu Caste System and then finish the graphic organizer that goes along with it.

Hindu Caste System Reading

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations

Read the directions carefully to complete this assignment.

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations Directions

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations Map

SNAPSHOT I: Ancient Civilizations (backside of map)

Use a separate SPEC Sheet for each of the 5 civilizations. Here's what to look for on the SPEC Sheet.

Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India SPEC Sheets will be STAMPED Mon/Tues 9/13-9/14

China and Americas SPEC Sheets will be STAMPED Wed/Thurs 9/19-20

SNAPSHOT will be turned in on Tues/Wed 9/25-26

Analyzing Documents: POV Assignment

Analyzing Documents and POV Practice

Page 1 is an overview of Analyzing Documents
Page 2 is what we discussed and practiced in class (for most classes)
Page 3 is what will be STAMPED in class on Thurs/Fri 9/6-7

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Bronze and Iron Age: Compare and Contrast

Read The Bronze and Iron Age handout and complete the Venn Diagram.  Be sure to answer the questions below the chart as well.  Have a great Labor Day!

Monday, August 27, 2012


By the end of the day on Friday, email me at tfields1@houstonisd.org

Include either or both of your parents email addresses in the CC line.

Include in the subject line your first and last name and your class period.
     example: Travis Fields - 1

Include the following in the email:
     1. Your goal for the class this year.
     2. The characteristic of the IB Learner Profile that you best represent.
     3. The characteristic of the IB Learner Profile that you least represent.
     4. Embed a picture of yourself in the email. DO NOT ATTACH IT, EMBED IT!!

Click here to learn more about IB learners.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

1st 6-Weeks Reading Calendar

Week 2 (9/4-7)     - Ch. 2 & Ch. 3
Week 3 (9/10-14) - Ch. 4 & Ch. 5
Week 4 (9/17-21) - Ch. 6
Week 5 (9/24-29) - Ch. 7 & Ch. 8
Week 6 (10/1-5)   - Ch. 9 & Ch. 10



AP World History Summer Assignment

Read A History of the World in 6 Glasses

This year’s summer reading assignment is A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage.  In this book, Standage tells a popular history of the world and some of the most significant civilizations in history by following the development of 6 influential beverages.  The 6 beverages are: beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, & Coca Cola.  These beverages have played a significant role in driving trade and interaction between some of the most significant regions and empires in world history.  Our purpose in reading the book is to gain a sense of how civilizations and cultures develop and how they are affected by various forces (social, political, economic, cultural).

ISBN 0802715524
Approximately $12


Part I: A History of the World in 6 Glasses Poster Assignment
(due Tues/Wed 8/28-29)
Part II: A History of the World in 6 Glasses Study Questions
(due to turnitin.com by the end of the day Friday 9/7)
Part III: Study Cards for Ch. 1-5 of Traditions and Encounters
       -Ch. 1
       -Ch. 2
       -Ch. 3
       -Ch. 4
       -Ch. 5
Part IV: World Map Activity 
(due Thurs/Fri 9/13-14)
       -World Map
Part V: Video Questions 
(due to turnitin.com by the end of the day Friday 9/1)